Membership Benefits and Details
Membership Details
First Interview membership is approved through a process. All applicants are carefully screened and selected based upon experience in their field and a proven track record.
The honesty, integrity and professional reputation of prospective affiliates is also considered and verified with other professionals. We look for seasoned professionals that are looking to make more placements and provide better service for both their clients and candidates. At First Interview it is never about quantity but always about quality and we want it to be a win-win for everyone.
Our goal has always been focused on finding quality members that can bring a benefit to the network as a whole. We do not offer exclusives in any location, but we do consult with the current members about any potential affiliate applying for membership that may offer a conflict in their region. Final membership is approved by our advisory board made up of affiliate members.
If you are an independent recruiter and feel that First Interview would be a good fit for you please fill out the affiliate application and we would be happy to discuss membership opportunities.
APPLY NOW- Owner has four year of industry experience
- Company has 2+ years of business history
- There is an Initial Fee of $900 to start your membership, this fee consist of the following:
- Prepaid first two quarters of administrative fees ($300/quarter)
- Prepaid registration for one person for the next National Meeting ($200)
- $100 administrative set-up fee for First Interview SaaS application
- Quarterly administrative fees of $300/quarter
- For every split you complete, on the network, First Interview receives six percent of the total fee before the fee is divided.